Beit Moriah is an award-winning non-profit organization serving the community of Be’er Sheva. Our goal is to improve life in the city by advancing education, fostering strong Jewish values, and providing for those in need.
Our Mission
Beit Moriah is dedicated to enhancing the lives of Be’er Sheva residents by upgrading, enriching, and expanding the educational and social institutions that are at the heart of our community. As part of the Religious Zionist tradition in Israel, we work to foster Jewish identity, instill Jewish values, and apply the lessons of the Torah. Beit Moriah works hand-in-hand with the Municipality and other public institutions to ensure optimal effectiveness and outreach to the community.
Our Mission
Beit Moriah is dedicated to enhancing the lives of Be’er Sheva residents by upgrading, enriching, and expanding the educational and social institutions that are at the heart of our community. As part of the Religious Zionist tradition in Israel, we work to foster Jewish identity, instill Jewish values, and apply the lessons of the Torah. Beit Moriah works hand-in-hand with the Municipality and other public institutions to ensure optimal effectiveness and outreach to the community.

History of Beit Moriah
Beit Moriah was founded in 1993 to curb and ultimately reverse a negative immigration trend that saw many young and promising religious families leaving Be’er Sheva, due to the poor educational system and the increasingly negative reputation of the city. A group of local leaders, including rabbis, doctors, and professors, decided that something must be done to retain these highly contributing community members of Be’er Sheva, as well as to bring back those who had left. They established a communal Beit Midrash (a Jewish religious learning institute) in Be’er Sheva, hoping that the study of the Torah and its teachings would provide the inspiration and basic tools needed to train the city’s newest community leaders. Beit Moriah’s founders recruited young scholars to come back to Be’er Sheva and study at the new Beit Midrash where they would learn religious lessons that would assist them in operating new educational and social programs. These young scholars and their families formed the original nucleus of the Beit Moriah organization
Beit Moriah has won multiple awards for its contributions to the Be’er Sheva and greater Israeli communities. Notably, in 1998 we received the Israeli National Council for the Child Award from the Ministry of Education in recognition of our programs that allow children to learn about and connect with their Jewish heritage. In 2002, Beit Moriah was awarded the Prime Minister’s “Magen HaYeled” (Child Shield) Award for our commitment to advancing proper nutrition in educational institutions and our operation of the “Light Unto the Child” after-school program, which provides hot meals, homework tutoring, and group activities for children in five different Negev Desert locations. We are pleased to announce that this spring (2011) we have just received another important recognition, the Midot Seal of Effectiveness, from Midot, a non-profit organization that examines and evaluates the efficiency and professionalism of philanthropic organizations. The Seal of Effectiveness is awarded to non-profits for achievements related to transparency, leadership, ethics, and organizational stability – in addition to the organization’s overall success and contributions to the community.